
When You Look At Your Goals And Feel Nothing
You As King
The #1 Drug For Dads
Be The Man Who Roars
Why Dads Shouldn’t Think Of Themselves As A “Family Man”
Why You Should Procreate: An Open Letter To Every Smugly-Childless Man
The Ugly Truth About Haters (How To Stop Waiting)
How To Change Your Game (Move Or Die Part 2)
Move Or Die
How You Rise
The #1 Sign Of A Stalled Life
How Man Kills The Dream
Why You Hate Everything
Tune Your Animal
The Ugly Truth About “Charitable Giving”
Bring The Magic: How To Be Independently Happy
Why I Stopped Giving My Kids An Allowance
Screw Contentment
The 4 Worst Things A Man Can Risk
Stand And Deliver
Your Wife And The Other Man
Stop Aspiring
Slavery Is A Choice
To All Men Plagued By Darkness
What Happens When Men Flee The Wild
Man’s Special Constipation
The #1 Reason Entrepreneur Dads Burn Out
What This Strange Autocorrect Taught Me About Marriage
Find Your Edge
Bang Your Drum
One “Virtue” I’ll Never Teach My Kids
What Happens When Men Shirk The Deep Fix
Chains Invisible: How The New Slavery Stole Man’s Soul
It’s All Still Possible
Creative Work Is Fruitless Until You Do This One Thing
What Jon Snow Knows About Male Guilt
Why Men Must Push Beyond Freedom To Power
How Jack Failed
Swim Every River
The #1 Lie About Hustle And Grind (Or, Why Po Is The Dragon Warrior)
The Power Of Hell No
How To Give Your Soul An Italian Tune-Up
Man’s Favorite (And Most Destructive) Waiting Game
The 7 Deadliest Forms Of Male Procrastination
The Man, The Roach, And The Fatal Flaw
The Most Poisonous Story Men Tell Themselves
The Magic Of Unconditional Commitment
What Happens When Dads Sacrifice Their Dreams For Their Children
Why You Must Be The Man Who Chooses Blood
1 Thing To Never Say To Your Kids
Guard Your Fire
Man’s 3 Energies
Wild Your Life
How The Hammer Fails You
1 “Realistic” Belief That Keeps Creative Men In Chains
The 5 Levels Of Financial Freedom And Slavery
Create The Queen
Steady Eddie and Roller Coaster Rick
Man’s Leprosy Of The Soul
Chain Yourself Free
Why Men Are Addicted To Sacrifice
How To Get Your Fire Back
Year Of The Gut
You Are The Gift
Why Modern Man Lies
How To Sell Your Wife On The Dream (Part 2)
The Illusion Of (No) Choice
Honor The Animal
The Man In The Forest
If You Love Her Let Her Go
Sex Begins In The Garage
Wrong About You
The New You
Free The Man (They Are Broken Without You)
Swing Through The Darkness
Why The Inspired Shall Inherit The Earth
The #1 Distraction Of Empire-Builders
The Dark Side Of Boundaries
When “Just Do It” Fails
Why Men Make Such Good Slaves
The Hiker And The Trail
When Fatherhood Is Hell
The #1 Lie About Happiness 99% Of Men Believe
Take The Damn Vacation (Torture And All)
The Point Of Kids
5 Signs You’re Stuck In The Fatherhood Matrix
Conscious Flaking
The 10,000 Decisions Rule
How To Truly Love Yourself
4 Ass-Backwards Parenting Trends
How Negative Thinking Can Help Your Marriage
Why Modern Families Are Boring As Hell
When Failure Is Harder Than Success
How To Get Out Of Debt Without Feeling Like A Poor Person
Ain’t Chauvinism, Love
Why You’re Still Not A Morning Person
How To Sell Your Wife On The Dream
When Lions Eat Your Lamb
The Unicorn And The Jackass
Just Ruined Date Night With My Wife
The Dog That Didn’t Give A Shit
When Vision Blinds
Why I Wish You Darkness
The Hobbification Of Your Passions
WTF Should You Care About Ground?
The Two Freedoms
Your Two Blind Men
You And Your Wife Are Not “One”
Magic With Strangers
Nobody Cares
The Fish And The Glass
How Your Soul Dies
Are You The Bitch Or The Boss?
You Say You Want To Be Free
That Shit Your Wife Does
Follow Your Dread
Why You Should Fight With Your Wife In Public
Antifragile Sex
Why Fearlessness Is Bullshit
Optimize For Courage
Your Kids Are Not Your “Buddies”
How To Love A Liberated Woman
The Uses Of Rage
Stop Being So Damn Teachable
The #1 Lie About Finding Your Passion
Becoming The Man Who Climbs
Why You Need Enemies
When All Else Fails, Try Famine
3 Ways Men Obliviously Hoard (And Suffer)
We Are Not Samurai
3 Steps To Infinite Motivation
Why Everything Is Crap (And What To Do About It)
The Ownership Myth
The Man Makes The Man
You Don’t Work
This Is Your Brain On News
1 Coping Mechanism That Shrinks Your Life
Why I Let My 11-Year-Old Daughter Drive
Solve For Joy
Death By Unisex
The Speed Of Courage
It Just Isn’t You
The Proper Care And Feeding Of Demons
The Myth Of The Bloodless Calling
Man’s Most Destructive Glitch
The 3 Biggest Emasculators Of Men Part 5
The 3 Biggest Emasculators Of Men Part 4
The 3 Biggest Emasculators Of Men Part 3
The 3 Biggest Emasculators Of Men Part 2
The 3 Biggest Emasculators Of Men Part 1
Stay With The Heat
How Men Get Ownership Wrong
Your Inbox Is Broken
Ego vs Mission
The Real Reason Modern Men Are Aimless
How Men Fail Their Ideas
Stop Hoarding Your Best
Don’t Do What You Love
Why Dads Should Be “On Or Gone”
The Message In Your Anger
If I Could Tell You Just One Thing


  1. William Meloney says

    I wanted to celebrate with you right until you slighted Feminism. “Feminists robbed us of love and affection when they poisoned women’s hearts against us.” The fact that you even suggest that it poisoned women’s hearts means you do not understand Feminism at all. In fact such criticism of Feminism places you squarely in the camp of misogyny, the very thing that Feminism is working so hard to dismantle. Please do some serious soul searching and study what real Feminism is about. I don’t believe that a man of your understanding will be so quick to paint it with such a broad brush in the future.

    I realize that I have used some strong language. Please reach out to me to continue a civil conversation on this topic.

    • William, you can love women without loving feminism. Feminism has been largely co-opted and weaponized. I would welcome a movement that worked to genuinely protect the rights and sovereignty of both genders without demonizing the other. Unfortunately, feminism has demonstrated it is no longer the vehicle to do that.

      • Bryan,
        He is somewhat right and you are somewhat right. The message you are really conveying is masked by negativity in your use of words. There is no need to attack, support or otherwise discuss feminism to get your message across. It’s a distraction from your truth. Remember the best message is True, Necessary and Kind. That’s not new age bullshit from a Julia Roberts movie, that’s hard core shit from the Buddha. It hard to express ourselves that way, but much more effective.

    • Emmanuel Pempengco says

      He was just writing poetically in essay form. Don’t take it seriously. He writes irreverently and that is his style. How many times had he use the word shit? Others would use sh#t but he won’t. Anyway, freedom to express one’s opinion. He has, you have, I have. Bloody hell, it’s his website.

    • Emmanuel Pempengco says

      He was just writing poetically in essay form. Don’t take it seriously. He writes irreverently and that is his style to get a profound message across. How many times had he use the word shit? Others would use sh#t but he won’t. Anyway, freedom to express one’s opinion. He has, you have, I have. WTF, it’s his website.

    • I have had this discussion with several feminists lately. I am amazed that in each case I was told that I didn’t understand what true feminism is. The amazing thing is that there is no definition offered, just the fact that only feminists understand it. Then, when pursued further for some kind of a definition, Bam! the misogynist card is played. This is 4 for 4 lately. I cannot understand how feminists continue to pretend that they are advocates for all people.

    • Feminism in it’s current state is a weaponized bullying mechanism. Clearly the author does not knock women, see them as anything other than equals, etc. The majority of the strong independent women I know are squarely against the current form of modern feminism. Do some research, look at what is really being said. Be a man. Love a woman.

  2. All due respect, I have very little respect for men for fall squarely into the ‘feminist’ camp. Do some research. A huge percentage of EVEN WOMEN in this country now reject the feminist movement because it has, just as Bryan has pointed out, been weaponized and turned into nothing more than man bashing. I find them nothing more than a group of sad, frustrated women who want to blame men for all of their troubles, and in no way should be taken seriously. They are no better than the Black Lives Matter movement, in my opinion, and are as equally divisive and equally full of hate. The women who led the way on women’s rights and fought to get women equal rights in this country, to including being able to vote, are probably turning over in their graves at seeing what this has become. And there you have it … exercising my freedom of speech.

    • “Sad, frustrated women…”
      You forgot overweight and blue haired with multiple piercings.
      But really, the women in that camp are the equivalent of men that think bitch about all women and blame societies problems on them just because they aren’t man enough to be a solid male figure in a woman’s life.

  3. It’s a masculine thing, I think, to want definitions and explanations that are rational to our own perspective. When we can’t have that we tend to devalue the position of the other—at the very least. Truth is, we’re blind to our blindness. It is extremely difficult to extricate ourselves from the specific context of the body and all the ways that informs our views, or the social structures of gender, class, income, location… or the culture and all the ways that informs the person, etc… I’m not caving here, if someone wants to hate me because of what dangles between my legs, so be it. But their hate doesn’t give me the right to judge their experience or solutions as less valid than my own—or to set myself in opposition to it.

      You’re missing the point. Feminism does not wholly represent the right to equality for women, it’s just one engine in an attempt to get there. Which is respectable, but again, as has been mentioned a few times in this thread, it’s conspicuously obvious, at least to some, that the engine of feminism has been weaponized against the male gender – it’s become a judgment of man simply for being man and not on the value of one man’s character and treatment of women as an individual. Isn’t that what feminism, at its core, is supposed to oppose – discounting or devaluing a gender based on gender alone? What Bryan and the others are saying is that there are better ways of bringing equality to the table than trying to force feed people and then demonize anyone who doesn’t swallow. A lot of people, men and women alike, are walking away from the feminist movement for the way it’s been co-opted, commercialized, and weaponized for wealthy lobbyist’s special interests. If the cards were reversed, where a group of upset men (and remember, feminism is just a sect of women, not the sex as a whole) were demonizing women who didn’t want to bow down to them and apologize for their gender – be honest, you wouldn’t have a problem with that!? Yes, all women should have a right to express their views however they see fit, but then, so should Bryan. That’s equality. And finally, it’s pretty obvious, at least to me, that he isn’t disparaging women’s rights or their right to equality at all. But isn’t it scary when you’re having to be fearful for your views against one movement, even when you disagree with its methods? Isn’t that censorship?

  4. Sis Benedict says

    Just so I understand your point is that if you can’t define what your movement stands for then even though its descriptor free its as legitimate a belief system as one that can detonate its belief system.

    Why bother cluttering our minds with logic when unstructured belief systems are enough!!!

  5. Who else thinks Bryan needs to start a Third Way Man podcast?

  6. Sean Marin says

    Love this!

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