Welcome to Week 10 of the 12-week GET SHIT DONE Challenge!

Here are your assignments for the week, by category:

1. GSD Lesson

Watch the the Lesson video below (approx 6 minutes), and post a proof pic/screenshot showing the end of the video. (2 points)

Veterans just need to watch the Overview video to get their 2 points. The other lesson videos are optional (but recommended) for veterans.


Video 1

2. GSD Assignments

Assignment 1: Establish Your Mantra(s) (3 points)

Brainstorm any mantras that come to mind.  Then circle at least 1, but no more than 3, that resonate with you the most.  Then transfer the mantra or mantras you’ve circled to a separate list and keep them somewhere handy where you can review them regularly.

Veterans: Simply review your mantras and make any additions or modifications that might be needed.

Proof pic: Upload a picture or screenshot of your mantra(s) to your fire team channel.

Assignment 2: Do your Ground activity for the week (4 points)

Complete your Ground activity for the week. 

Proof pic: Upload a pic showing your Ground activity to your fire team channel.

Assignment 3: Write your Legend Page and Daily Action Plan at the start of each day for 5 days (2 points per day for a max total of 10 points)

For 5 days this week, start your day by writing out your Legend Page and Daily Action Plan. They should include your Dark Goals, Daily Affirmation, Gratitude, Next Bold Moves (NBM’s), Core, and FTA. 

Proof pic: Upload a picture of your Legend Page / Daily Action Plan each morning to your fire team channel. 

Assignment 4: Achieve 100% execution each day for 5 days (3 points per day for a max total of 15 points)

For 5 days this week, GET SHIT DONE.  Complete everything on your Daily Action Plan each day, and cross off each item as you go along.

Proof pic: Upload a picture of your COMPLETED Daily Action Plan each day to your fire team channel.

Assignment 5: Review your week (4 points)

At the end of the week, spend some time going back to think about your week.  Answer the following questions:

  1. How well did I execute my NBM’s? 
  2. How effective were those NBM’s at achieving my goals? 

Then, factor your reflections into your next week’s action plan. Spend some time listing out the items and NBM’s you will want to accomplish for the upcoming week.

Proof pic: Post your Weekly Review to your fire team channel. Some suggestions for acceptable formats include: a photo of your hand-written page, a screenshot of your typed assessment, or a video.

GSD Lab (optional)

Watch the video below and complete the assignment. This assignment is optional and not scored. It is designed to help you experiment with some more advanced techniques to boost your productivity.

GSD Lab Video

GSD Lab Assignment: Visualize your productive day

In the morning, set a timer for 10 minutes and sit in a quiet, comfortable place. Close your eyes and focus on your breath, taking deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Visualize yourself in a place that you find to be the most relaxing and happy and carefree. Then visualize yourself approaching your tasks for that day with ease. Then slowly bring your attention back to your breath, and then after another minute, bring yourself back to the room where you are sitting, and open your eyes.

Proof pic: Post about your visualization experience to your fire team channel.


Make one Bold Move this week to move the needle in any one of the 6 pillars of your life (Health, Wealth, Relationship, Family, Work, Personal). It is strongly recommended (though not required) that you make a Bold Move that is directly related to one of your Dark Goals.

Proof pic: Upload a photo or video of your Bold Move to your fire team channel, and add your Bold Move for this week to your Dark Goal Tracker worksheet under the related Pillar. (5 points).

If you need more information about the concept of Bold Moves, refer to the 50 BOLD User Manual.


Your Special Ops assignment for this week is to complete ONE of the three Special Ops listed in the #core-special-ops channel in Slack (link below), and to substantiate by uploading a proof pic or video to your fire team channel. (5 points)

Click here for Special Ops


Join us Friday at 3 PM Central Time for our weekly Moot. Zoom link and password will be posted in Slack each Friday.

Proof pic: Upload a photo or screenshot of the Moot (4 points for live or recording).

Quick Links:

GSD User Manual

GSD Scoring Tracker Template

50 BOLD User Manual


For GSD Support: Send a direct message in Slack to @Coach Anthony Johnson

For general Third Way Man or 50 BOLD support inquiries, please email

Now go GET SHIT DONE, win some points, and put your fire team on the leaderboard.

See you on the Moot!

Anthony Johnson, 50 BOLD Coach
Third Way Man