Welcome to Week 5 of the 12-week GET SHIT DONE Challenge!

Here are your assignments for the week, by category:

1. Get Shit Done Lesson

Watch the Overview video plus all four lesson videos below (approx 21 minutes total), and post a proof pic/screenshot showing the end of the last video. (2 points)

Veterans just need to watch the Overview video to get their 2 points. The other lesson videos are optional (but recommended) for veterans.


Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

2. Get Shit Done Assignments

Assignment 1: Brainstorm your Shit to Purge candidates (4 points)

Go through your calendar, day planner, phone, etc, and write or type a list of all “Shit to Purge” candidates (neutral or negative activities).

Veterans: Review your list of shit to purge you created previously. If there are any items you’ve tried to purge but have been unsuccessful thus far, put a star next to them. If any additional Shit to Purge candidates have crept into your life, add them to the list. If you’re having trouble coming up with additional ideas for Shit to Purge, you may want to check out the optional Get Shit Done Lab assignment further down this page for ideas.

Proof pic: Upload a picture or screenshot of Shit to Purge candidates to your fire team channel.

Assignment 2: Finalize your list of Shit to Purge (4 points)

For each candidate you wrote down from your Shit to Purge exercise, ask yourself “Does this STOKE or STAMP OUT my fire?”  Score each candidate on a negative scale of 0 to -5.  Find 3-5 items with the lowest scores.  Transfer those items to a new list–this is your finalized list of Shit to Purge.

Veterans: Re-score you list of Shit to Purge, including your starred items and any new items you’ve added. If scores have changed for items you’ve written down previously, be sure to note the changes.

Proof pic: Upload a picture or screenshot of your finalized list of Shit to Purge to your fire team channel.

Assignment 3: Take Bridge-Burning Actions (4 points)

For each item on your list of Shit to Purge, take a “bridge burning action” to purge that shit from your life.

Veterans: Take a bridge-burning action on any new items with low scores. If you truly don’t have any more Shit to Purge (which is unlikely), post a summary to your fire team explaining how you purged your shit and improved the scores on your chosen items.

Proof pic: Upload a proof picture showing one of your bridge-burning actions (even if it’s just a selfie of your stress-relieved face) to your fire team channel.

Assignment 4: DAILY ACTION PLAN–Write out your dark goals, ONE POSITIVE AFFIRMATION, and your to-do list at the start of each day for 5 days (4 points per day for a max total of 20 points)

For 5 days this week, start your day by writing out your Dark Goals and one positive affirmation at the top of a sheet of paper, and then write your list of tasks you want to accomplish that day beneath that. 

Veterans: Write out your full-fledged Legend Page and Daily Action Plan for 5 days.

Proof pic: Upload a picture of your Daily Action Plan each day to your fire team channel. (An example of what that might look like is below.)

Assignment 5: Review your week (4 points)

At the end of the week, spend some time going back to think about your week.  What went well?  What could have gone better?  How are you feeling about your week?

Proof pic: Post your Weekly Review to your fire team channel. Some suggestions for acceptable formats include: a photo of your hand-written page, a screenshot of your typed assessment, or a video.

Get Shit Done Lab (optional)

Watch the video below and complete the assignment. This assignment is optional and not scored. It is designed to help you experiment with some more advanced techniques to boost your productivity.

Get Shit Done Lab Video

Get Shit Done Lab Assignment: Purge a daily decision

List out all of your decision points throughout a typical day, from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed. Then identify a decision you can purge, and take action to simplify (purge) that decision.

Proof pic: Upload a photo showing the action you took to your fire team channel.


Make one Bold Move this week to move the needle in any one of the 6 pillars of your life (Health, Wealth, Relationship, Family, Work, Personal). It is strongly recommended (though not required) that you make a Bold Move that is directly related to one of your Dark Goals.

Proof pic: Upload a photo or video of your Bold Move to your fire team channel, and add your Bold Move for this week to your Dark Goal Tracker worksheet under the related Pillar. (5 points).

If you need more information about the concept of Bold Moves, refer to the 50 BOLD User Manual.


Your Special Ops assignment for this week is to complete ONE of the three Special Ops listed in the #core-special-ops channel in Slack (link below), and to substantiate by uploading a proof pic or video to your fire team channel. (5 points)

Click here for Special Ops


Join us Friday at 3 PM Central Time for our weekly Moot. Zoom link and password will be posted in Slack each Friday.

Proof pic: Upload a photo or screenshot of the Moot to show you attended the live Moot or watched the replay (4 points).

Quick Links:

Get Shit Done User Manual

Get Shit Done Scoring Tracker Template

Get Shit Done FAQ

50 BOLD User Manual

For Get Shit Done Support: Send a direct message in Slack to @Coach Anthony Johnson

For general Third Way Man or 50 BOLD support inquiries, please email

Now go GET SHIT DONE, win some points, and put your fire team on the leaderboard.

See you on the Moot!

Anthony Johnson, 50 BOLD Coach
Third Way Man