Please watch this Overview video:
Here are your assignments for the week, by category:
Declare a Next Bold Move for the week (5 points)
Decide on at least one Next Bold Move (NBM) that you will work to accomplish this week, and declare it to your fire team. It is recommended you make this declaration as early in the week as possible (Monday is best). NBM’s do not necessarily need to be directly related to your Dark Goals, but it is strongly recommended that they are, since that is how you will make the most progress. Your NBM’s should also be written on your Legend Pages and carried forward each day of the week until they are either completed or abandoned (if circumstances change). You could also use your Dark Goal Tracker spreadsheet to help you with your NBM planning.
Proof pic: Post about at least one NBM you will pursue this week in your fire team channel.
Write your Legend Page and Daily Action Plan at the start of each day for 5 days (1 point per day for a max total of 5 points)
For 5 days this week, write out your Legend Page and Daily Action Plan, BUT THIS WEEK, TRY DOING IT THE NIGHT BEFORE instead of the morning. This is an optional, not required change to your routine, but it is highly recommended that you give it a try just for this week to see how you like it. As always, your Legend Page and Daily Action Plan should include your Dark Goals, Daily Affirmation, Gratitude, Next Bold Moves (NBM’s), Core, and FTA.
Proof pic: Upload a picture of your Legend Page / Daily Action Plan each morning to your fire team channel.
Get Shit Done Accelerator: Map your Path (up to 5 points)
Assignment: Take out a sheet of paper and write your Breakthrough at the top. Then below that put the date by which you expect to achieve that Breakthrough (it could be any time before the end of this year). Then work backwards to the present day and write down any big milestones that will happen along the way, and any actions you will need to take on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. This is your Path to your Breakthrough. You will get 3 points for creating this Path. Then, take at least one step along that Path–in other words, take at least one big action that you need to take this week to keep you on schedule and on your Path. This will be separate from your other Bold Move assignment. You will get 2 points for taking this Breakthrough action.
Proof pic: Post a pic or screenshot of your Breakthrough Path (3 points), plus a proof pic of your Breakthrough action to your fire team channel (2 points), total of up to 5 points.
Do your Ground activity for the week (5 points)
Complete your Ground activity for the week.
Proof pic: Upload a pic showing your Ground activity to your fire team channel.
Bold Move (15 Points)
Make one Bold Move this week to move the needle in any one of the 6 pillars of your life (Health, Wealth, Relationship, Family, Work, Personal). The Bold Move(s) you make does not necessarily have to be the one you declared as your NBM earlier in the week, although that is usually ideal. It is strongly recommended (though not required) that you make a Bold Move that is directly related to one of your Dark Goals.
Proof pic: Upload a photo or video of your Bold Move to your fire team channel, AND add your Bold Move for this week to your Dark Goal Tracker worksheet under the related Pillar. (15 points)
If you need more information about the concept of Bold Moves, refer to the 50 BOLD User Manual.
Special Ops (5 points)
Your Special Ops assignment for this week is to complete ONE of the three Special Ops listed below, and to substantiate by uploading a proof pic or video to your fire team channel. (5 points)
Special Ops for Week Of Sept 16-22:
* Special Op #1: Take your queen out for an epic date night.
* Special Op #2: Go for a trail run.
* Special Op #3: Cut something soul-sucking out of your life.
Special Ops for Week Of Sept 09-15:
* Special Op #1: Book a CT angiogram (heart plaque).
* Special Op #2: Make, build, or repair something with your hands.
* Special Op #3: Play a game with your child.
Review your week (5 points)
At the end of the week, answer the following 2 questions:
- How well did I execute my NBM’s?
- How effective were those NBM’s at achieving my goals?
Proof pic: Post your Weekly Review to your fire team channel. Some suggestions for acceptable formats include: a photo of your hand-written page, a screenshot of your typed assessment, or a video.
MOOT (5 points)
Join us Friday at 3 PM Central Time for our weekly Moot. Zoom link and password will be posted in Slack each Friday.
Proof pic: Upload a photo or screenshot of the Moot. (5 points for live or replay)
Recommended Get Shit Done Lesson: Electrifying Actions
The below Lesson video and the Assignments that follow are strongly recommended for this week. (optional, not scored)
Video 1
Video 2
Recommended Get Shit Done Assignments
Assignment 1: Review any personality assessment results
Re-read the results of any personality tests/assessments that you’ve taken in the past. If you’d like to re-take a personality assessment, you can try a free one here or a more robust paid one here.
Proof pic: Upload a picture or screenshoot of the results of one past or present personality assessment to your fire team channel.
Assignment 2: Review 5 questions
Review the answers you wrote down previously to the following 5 questions, and add any additional insights if needed:
– What are your most praised traits?
– What are your most criticized traits?
– What part of your personality draws the most attention from others?
– What types of activities can you happily do longer than anyone else you know?
– What does your wife (or significant other, or friends) find most shocking or maddening about you?
Proof pic: Post your questions and answers (picture, screenshot, etc) to your fire team channel.
Assignment 3: Review Electrifying Actions
Review the list you made previously of your Electrifying Actions for each of your Dark Goals, make any additions needed for any new Dark Goals and/or adjustments to the wording to ensure they maintain their weight and inspiration.
Proof pic: Upload a picture or screenshot of your Electrifying Actions (or a quick video flipping through the multiple pages) to your fire team channel.
Get Shit Done Lab (optional)
This below lesson is a recommended supplement to this week’s lesson. Watch the video below and complete the assignment. This assignment is optional and not scored. It is intended to help you experiment with some more advanced techniques to boost your productivity. You can find additional Get Shit Done Lab assignments in the Get Shit Done Lab Library.
Get Shit Done Lab Video
Get Shit Done Lab Assignment: Review and refine your Pyramid
Watch the video above and make any changes needed to your 3 Pyramid elements, in order to help you feel a better sense of clarity and inspiration for moving forward.
Proof pic: Post some comments about those revisions to your fire team channel.
Quick Links:
Get Shit Done Lifestyle Scoring Tracker Template
For Get Shit Done Support: Send a direct message in Slack to @Coach Anthony Johnson
Invite a friend to join you on your journey! Get Shit Done Referral Link
For general Third Way Man or 50 BOLD support inquiries, please email
Now go GET SHIT DONE, win some points, and put your fire team on the leaderboard.
See you on the Moot!
Anthony Johnson, 50 BOLD Coach
Third Way Man