Body Of A Warrior: User Manual
Welcome to the Body Of A Warrior 12-week challenge!
In this reference guide, we’re going to walk you through each part of the Body Of A Warrior experience so you know exactly what to expect and how to prepare for the 12-week adventure you’re about to embark on.
Before we dive in, here are the rules that govern BODY OF A WARRIOR and all other programs we offer to Third Way Man members.
Please read carefully.
1. Don’t solicit. We’re here to improve ourselves, not drum up business.
2. Use your real, full names in the slack group. We want to interact with the real you, not an abbreviation or pen name.
Here’s how
3. Use a real profile pic. Take the 60 seconds and upload a photo of yourself to your slack profile so we can see who we’re talking to.
Here’s how
4. Don’t break confidentiality. Everything shared in Third Way Man is confidential. Do not break trust with your brothers by sharing private and personal information of any kind outside the group.
5. Self-govern. If you see a brother breaking one of these rules, your first action should be to let him know in private so he can rectify it. If the behavior continues, then reach out to us via DM (direct message) in slack.
Five rules. Short, sweet, vital.
The “50 BOLD” Mindset: How It Works
Remember, Third Way Man is the “console” membership that gives you access to a number of “video games” programs.
Regardless of which Third Way Man program you are currently participating in, all Third Way Man members are bound together by what we call the 50 BOLD mindset.
Here’s a quick bit of detail about the 50 BOLD mindset and how it works:
Winning in life boils down to executing the RIGHT MOVES THE RIGHT WAY, relentlessly.
There are 52 weeks in a year.
Take out Christmas and Easter and that leaves you with an even 50.
When you join Third Way Man, your job is very simple:
Use your newfound fire to make ONE BOLD MOVE each week towards greatness, together.
YOU give your commitment to making one bold move each week…
…and THE TRIBE gives you the KNOWLEDGE, COMMUNITY, and ACCOUNTABILITY you need to get it done.
Your bold move could be…
* Doing the BODY OF A WARRIOR workouts for the week
* Moving $X into a Vanguard brokerage account (wealth quadrant)
* Seducing your wife (relationship quadrant)
* Paying off a credit card (wealth quadrant)
* Writing the first chapter of your book (soul quadrant)
* Paying an extra $X on your mortgage (wealth quadrant)
* Start eating paleo (health quadrant)
* Starting an online business (wealth quadrant)
…WHATEVER action’s required to measurably move the needle of your health, wealth, work, or relationships and forge an incredibly impactful, fulfilling, and abundant life.
Third Way Man FAQ
Q: What’s the difference between Third Way Man and Body Of A Warrior, Get Shit Done, etc?
A: Third Way Man is our private online community, and Body Of A Warrior, Get Shit Done, etc. are 12-week challenges we offer to community members.
Q: Why is it called the “50 BOLD” mindset?
A: Winning in life boils down to executing the RIGHT MOVES THE RIGHT WAY, relentlessly. There are 52 weeks in a year. Take out holidays and that leaves you with an even 50. When you join Third Way Man, your job is very simple: use your newfound fire to make ONE BOLD MOVE each week towards greatness, together. YOU give your commitment to making one bold move each week… and THE TRIBE gives you the KNOWLEDGE, COMMUNITY, and ACCOUNTABILITY you need to get it done.
Slack Troubleshooting
Third Way Man “lives” on slack (and zoom), so if this is your first time using slack, refer to this link for all your slack-related questions:
Slack Help
Slack Channels
In the next section, we’re going to walk you through all the Third Way Man slack channels and explain each one’s purpose and function.
This channel is where Third Way Man members introduce themselves, spin yarns, share tips, and troubleshoot. Water coolers are for stiffs in suits: we shoot our shit by the virtual campfire.
When you join Third Way Man, you get access to a steady supply of Third Way Man reports.
If you’re not sure what your BOLD MOVE of the week should be, dive into one of these programs for ideas and guidance.
This is where we’ll post Body Of A Warrior-specific information and updates.
If you have any questions, you can directly message Third Way Man staff to get support.
If you have questions about your challenge and the content therein, or your Fire Team, message your coach.
If you have questions about your Third Way Man subscription or payments, message Coach Anthony Johnson.
If you have questions about Slack, Moots, or anything else, message Third Way Man Ambassador Larry MqQuay.
Every Friday at 3:00 PM Central Time, we’ll be holding not a “meeting,” but a digital Moot: an all-member gathering of Third Way Man members participating in any of the Third Way Man challenges, conducted via Zoom.
These weekly moots will cover:
1. Updates
2. Smack talk
3. Stories of success
Attendance is not mandatory but strongly encouraged. Points are involved. We will make video replays available for those who are unable to attend due to work, travel, or time-zone issues.
We’ll be posting a reminder in slack every Friday.
Here is the join links and password:
Click To Join
Password: 862443
Body Of A Warrior Assignments
We’ll be emailing your weekly workouts to you every weekend for the upcoming week.
Note: We highly recommend downloading a free interval timer app to your smartphone for the cardio portion of the workouts. Just search “interval timer” in either the apple or android app store and pick one of the free ones.
Body Of A Warrior Eating Plan
Here’s the BODY OF A WARRIOR eating plan.
Body Of A Warrior Fire Teams
We’ll be placing eligible Body Of A Warrior participants into fire teams (small groups) just after our kick-off moot.
Three important things about fire teams:
1. Being in a highly-engaged fire team is THE #1 success factor with Body Of A Warrior.
2. Placement in a fire team is a PRIVILEGE, not a right.
3. To show us you will be an engaged fire team member, you must do the following before we add you to a fire team:
* Upload a picture to your profile (we want to see your face)
* Post a short video in the Welcome channel in which you tell us your “WHY” for joining
Once you’re placed in a fire team, that group of men will be your band of brothers for the duration of the 12-week experience. They will be the ones who most directly encourage, challenge, and cajole you to greatness.
Body Of A Warrior Leaderboard
This is where the magic happens.
Every week, each fire team gets scored as a whole (not individually) on their execution of that week’s workout, eating, and special op assignments, as well as their moot attendance.
Each fire team’s score is then placed on our Body Of A Warrior leaderboard, and updated on a weekly basis, with bragging rights and prizes for the top-performing fire teams, not to mention the bi-product of improved fitness.
This is the accountability piece. It’s the key to the entire experience.
Here’s how each fire team will be scored:
Completed BOLD MOVE of the week: 5 points per completed BOLD MOVE
Proof: pic of completed BOLD MOVE
Completed workout: 3 points per completed workout (15 point weekly max)
Proof: sweaty selfie
Compliant meal: 1 point per compliant meal, with one free meal per week (20 point weekly max)
Proof: plate pic
Special ops: 5 points for one completed special op
Proof: pic or video
Attend weekly moot: 5 points for live attendance or replay
Proof: Screenshot of zoom call
While fire teams are scored as a team, each member of the fire team is responsible for submitting their own scores each week. Scores are collected on Monday – so, for example, you would submit scores for the week of April 26th to May 2nd on May 3rd, the day after that scoring period ends. Wednesday at noon is the cutoff for score submission – scores submitted after that time may be added to your teams overall total, but won’t count for that week’s leaderboard.
You can create your own score tracker, or you can use the Google sheet template below.
*** IMPORTANT: You must MAKE A COPY of this sheet for your fire team, otherwise you’ll just overwrite this template. Click on the link, click on “file,” click on “make copy,” then choose a file name for YOUR fire team’s version of this file. Thanks! ***
>> Click here for the score tracker template
We’ll be using the honor system throughout, so the entire process depends on the integrity and goodwill of each and every man in the tribe.
Note that this system rewards the one thing you have direct control over; your actions. We don’t reward members showing the fastest weight loss or muscle gain, as those outcomes are NOT within your direct control.
Of course, there is a high correlation between actions taken and results gained: we’ve simply taken the more empowering approach of rewarding the former and letting the latter take care of itself.
We’ve created modified versions of each workout to accommodate every fitness level, so this really is a level playing field: the man with 100 pounds to lose can win just as many points for his fire team as the man with 10 pounds to lose. It’s all about your willingness to show up and do the work.
Off Week Policy For Veterans
Body Of A Warrior veterans may take one week off per quarter without a points penalty, so long as they communicate this to Larry or Anthony at least one week in advance. This is meant to be a mechanism that gives long-term members a break for illness, family vacation, and the like without incurring a zero on their fire team’s leaderboard score.
Putting It All Together
Here is how the Body Of A Warrior experience will work when all these parts are put together:
1. On Friday, you’ll join us on the zoom call, where we will go over the assignments for the upcoming week.
2. Over the next week, you and the other men in your fire team will work to complete all assignments:
* Workouts
* Eating Plan
* your BOLD MOVE of the week
* Special Ops
* Moot attendance
3. You and your fire team brothers will substantiate the completion of these assignments with proof pics.
That will be the weekly rhythm of the Body Of A Warrior tribe… with resulting transformations in store for those who most faithfully show up and do the work.
For Get Shit Done Support: Send a direct message in Slack to @Coach Anthony Johnson
For general Third Way Man support inquiries, please email support@thirdwayman.com
If you have any questions, or if there are details you think we’ve missed or failed to clearly explain, please reach out via the support channel.
I can’t wait to begin this fitness adventure with you.
See you on the Moot!

Steven Ashton, Body Of A Warrior Coach
Third Way Man
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