Body Of A Warrior:
Winter Week 3 (January 20, 2025)
Here are your assignments for the week, by category:
Your workout assignment for this week is to complete the seven workouts described below, and to substantiate by uploading a “sweaty selfie” of yourself after each workout to your fire team’s slack channel, 2 points per workout.
The workouts consist of a run/sprint day, two mobility days, a low-intensity ruck/walk day, an active rest/play/sport day, and 2 strength days.
The days of the week do not matter as long as all modalities are performed during the entire week.
Weekly Overview Video
Here are the specific instructions for each workout:
Day 1 – Strength
10 Jumping Jacks
10 Windmills
10 Butt Kickers
10 High Knees
And/or Tire drag for warm up
* 2 rounds
- Two rounds- Opposing muscle groups.
Weighted squats 5-7 reps. Rest 20 seconds then: deadlift/shrug– 5-7 reps. Rest two minutes, then repeat for the second round. Rest two minutes then:
2. Two rounds- Opposing muscle groups.
Bench press or incline press 5-7 reps. Rest 20 seconds then: Bent over rows– 5-7 reps. Rest two minutes, then repeat for the second round. Rest two minutes then:
3. Two rounds- Opposing muscle groups.
Weighted pull ups 5-7 reps. Rest 20 seconds then: weighted dips– 5-7 reps. Rest two minutes, then:
Inverted rows to failure
Decline push ups to failure
Walk for at least 2 minutes
5 burpees
10 mountain climbers
16 reverse lunges
20 Russian twists
*scale reps and rounds as necessary
Day 2 – Run/sprint
10 Jumping Jacks
10 Windmills
10 Butt Kickers
10 High Knees
* 2 rounds
Interval Run (can be walk, run, cycle, swim, elliptical, jump rope, row, etc):
90 seconds warm up pace THEN
20 seconds sprint pace, then 10 seconds slow pace
* 10 rounds THEN
2 minutes cool down pace
Walk for at least 2 minutes
Day 3 – Mobility
10 Jumping Jacks
10 Windmills
10 Butt Kickers
10 High Knees
* 2 rounds
Mobility day – 3 rounds
- ATG split squat x2 30 seconds per side
- Seated good morning x 15
- Piriformis push-up x 15
- Seated hip flexor 15 per leg
- QL x 12
- Couch stretch 30 seconds per leg
5 burpees
10 mountain climbers
16 reverse lunges
20 Russian twists
*scale reps and rounds as necessary
Walk for at least 2 minutes
Day 4 – Strength
10 Jumping Jacks
10 Windmills
10 Butt Kickers
10 High Knees
* 2 rounds
And/or Tire drag for warm up
- Two rounds- Opposing muscle groups.
Weighted squats 5-7 reps. Rest 20 seconds then: deadlift/shrug– 5-7 reps. Rest two minutes, then repeat for the second round. Rest two minutes then:
2. Two rounds- Opposing muscle groups.
Bench press or incline press 5-7 reps. Rest 20 seconds then: Bent over rows– 5-7 reps. Rest two minutes, then repeat for the second round. Rest two minutes then:
3. Two rounds- Opposing muscle groups.
Weighted pull ups 5-7 reps. Rest 20 seconds then: weighted dips– 5-7 reps. Rest two minutes, then:
Inverted rows to failure
Decline push ups to failure
Walk for at least 2 minutes
Day 5 – Ruck/hike-low intensity
10 Jumping Jacks
10 Windmills
10 Butt Kickers
10 High Knees
* 2 rounds
And/or Tire drag for warm up
This is typically a long, brisk walk with body weight or carrying a load. When beginning this modality, it is wise to start with a lower-weight ruck and gradually increase weight over the 12 weeks. The recommended starting weight is 25 pounds. It is also recommended to carefully select footwear before walking under a load.
Day 6 – Mobility
- ATG split squat x2 30 seconds per side
- Seated good morning x 15
- Piriformis push-up x 15
- Seated hip flexor 15 per leg
- QL x 12
- Couch stretch 30 seconds per leg
- Walking
Day 7 – Active rest/play/sport day
This day is used for recovery and addressing any nagging injuries or soreness. Active rest means not doing high-intensity exercise or watching TV on the couch.
This day can be used to play sports such as frisbee, golf, hiking, hunting, reconnoitering, ball sports, etc.
Adding in more mobility and or yoga is also encouraged.
SUPPLEMENT (OPTIONAL): Additional body weight exercises for those that need more.
5 burpees
10 mountain climbers
16 reverse lunges
20 Russian twists
*scale reps and rounds as necessary
Your eating plan assignment for this week is to eat three warrior meals per day for the full week, and to substantiate by uploading a “plate pic” of each warrior meal to your fire team’s slack channel – 1 point per warrior meal, (21 point weekly max).
Click here to see what constitutes a warrior meal
Make one bold move this week to move the needle of your health, wealth, or marriage – 5 points
Your Special Ops assignment for this week is to complete ONE of the three Special Ops listed in the #core-special-ops channel in Slack (link below), and to substantiate by uploading a proof pic or video to your fire team channel. (5 points)
Join us Friday at 3 PM Central Time for our weekly Moot – 5 points for live attendance or replay
Zoom link and password will be posted in Slack each Friday.
Quick Links:
Quick Links:
For BOW Support: Send a direct message in Slack to @Coach Steven Ashton
Invite a friend to join you on your journey! BOW Referral Link
For general Third Way Man or 50 BOLD support inquiries, please email support@thirdwayman.com
It’s not a program, it’s a lifestyle
Now go to battle, win some points, and put your fire team on the leaderboard.
See you on the Moot!

Steven Ashton, 50 BOLD Coach
Third Way Man
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